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9251. Inspection and Copying of Documents in Possession of Staff

(a) Documents to be Available for Inspection and Copying
(1) Unless otherwise provided by this Rule, or by order of the Hearing Officer, the Department of Enforcement shall make available for inspection and copying by any Respondent, Documents prepared or obtained by Interested FINRA Staff in connection with the investigation that led to the institution of proceedings.

9242. Pre-hearing Submission

(a) Requirement to Furnish Information
Prior to a hearing before a Hearing Panel or, if applicable, an Extended Hearing Panel, the Hearing Officer, in the exercise of his or her discretion, may order a Party to furnish to all other Parties and the Hearing Panel or, if applicable, the Extended Hearing Panel, such information as deemed appropriate, including any or all of the following:
(1) an outline or narrative summary of a Party's case or defense;

9241. Pre-hearing Conference

(a) Purposes
The purposes of a pre-hearing conference include, but are not limited to:
(1) expediting the disposition of the proceeding;
(2) establishing procedures to manage the proceeding efficiently; and
(3) improving the quality of the hearing through more thorough preparation.
(b) Procedure

9234. Hearing Panel or Extended Hearing Panel: Recusal and Disqualification of Panelists

(a) Recusal, Withdrawal of Panelist
If at any time a Panelist of a Hearing Panel or an Extended Hearing Panel determines that he or she has a conflict of interest or bias or circumstances otherwise exist where his or her fairness might reasonably be questioned, the Panelist shall notify the Hearing Officer and the Hearing Officer shall issue and serve on the Parties a notice stating that the Panelist has withdrawn from the matter.

9233. Hearing Panel or Extended Hearing Panel: Recusal and Disqualification of Hearing Officers

(a) Recusal, Withdrawal of Hearing Officer
If at any time a Hearing Officer determines that he or she has a conflict of interest or bias or circumstances otherwise exist where his or her fairness might reasonably be questioned, the Hearing Officer shall notify the Chief Hearing Officer and the Chief Hearing Officer shall issue and serve on the Parties a notice stating that the Hearing Officer has withdrawn from the matter.