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Rule Filings

View the Rule Filing Status Report.

Node: field_core_official_dt (year)
Rule Filing Number Sort ascending Title
SR-FINRA-2012-021 Proposed Rule Change Relating to TRACE Reporting and Dissemination of Transactions in Agency Pass-Through Mortgage-Backed Securities Traded in Specified Pool Transactions and SBA-Backed ABS Transactions
SR-FINRA-2012-020 Proposed Rule Change Relating to TRACE Reporting and Dissemination of Transactions in Agency Pass-Through Mortgage-Backed Securities Traded To Be Announced
SR-FINRA-2012-019 Proposed Rule Change to Amend FINRA Rule 9313 to Conform to FINRA Rule 9136 Regarding the Authority of Counsel to the National Adjudicatory Council
SR-FINRA-2012-018 Proposed Rule Change to Amend NASD Rules 1012 (General Provisions) and 1017 (Application for Approval of Change in Ownership, Control, or Business Operations) to Adopt New Standardized Electronic Form CMA
SR-FINRA-2012-017 Proposed Rule Change to Amend Online Form NMA, the Standardized Membership Application Form Applicants Must File Pursuant to NASD Rule 1013 (New Member Application and Interview)
SR-FINRA-2012-016 Proposed Rule Change Relating to Exemption from Reporting Obligation under Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (“TRACE”) Trade Reporting Rules for Certain Alternative Trading Systems
SR-FINRA-2012-015 Proposed Rule Change to Amend FINRA Rule 4240 (Margin Requirements for Credit Default Swaps)
SR-FINRA-2012-014 Proposed Rule Change to Extend the Implementation of FINRA Rule 4240 (Margin Requirements for Credit Default Swaps)
SR-FINRA-2012-012 Proposed Rule Change to Amend FINRA's Customer and Industry Codes of Arbitration Procedure to Raise the Limit for Simplified Arbitration from $25,000 to $50,000
SR-FINRA-2012-011 Proposed Rule Change to Amend FINRA's Mediation Code to Provide the Director of Mediation with the Discretion to Determine Whether Parties May Select a Mediator Who Is Not on FINRA's Mediator Roster
SR-FINRA-2012-010 Proposed Amendments to FINRA Rule 6440 (Trading and Quotation Halt in OTC Equity Securities)
SR-FINRA-2012-009 Proposed Rule Change to Amend Section 4(c) of Schedule A to the FINRA By-Laws to Increase Qualification Examination Fees and Assess a Service Charge for Regulatory Element Continuing Education Sessions Taken Outside the United States
SR-FINRA-2012-008 Proposed Rule Change Relating to the Implementation Date for Amendments to the Trading Activity Fee Rate for Transactions in Covered Equity Securities.
SR-FINRA-2012-007 Proposed Rule Change to Update Rule Cross-References within Certain FINRA Rules
SR-FINRA-2012-006 Proposed Rule Change to Extend the Effective Date of the Trading Pause Pilot
SR-FINRA-2012-005 Proposed Rule Change to Extend the Pilot Period of Amendments to FINRA Rule 11892 Governing Clearly Erroneous Transactions
SR-FINRA-2012-004 Proposed Rule Change to Extend the Implementation of FINRA Rule 0180 (Application of Rules to Security-Based Swaps)
SR-FINRA-2012-003 Proposed Rule Change to Delay the Implementation Date of SR-FINRA-2011-019
SR-FINRA-2012-001 Proposed Rule Change to Amend FINRA Rule 4560 (Short-Interest Reporting)
SR-FINRA-2011-075 Proposed Rule Change to Amend Rule 13204 of the Industry Code to Preclude Collective Action Claims From Being Arbitrated Under the Industry Code
SR-FINRA-2011-074 Proposed Rule Change Extending the Pilot Period Regarding the Use of Multiple MPIDs on FINRA Facilities
SR-FINRA-2011-073 Proposed Rule Change Relating to Establishing a Governmental Accounting Standards Board Accounting Support Fee
SR-FINRA-2011-072 Proposed Rule Change to Extend a TRACE Pilot Program
SR-FINRA-2011-071 Proposed Rule Change Relating to FINRA’s Trading Activity Fee Rate for Transactions in Covered Equity Securities
SR-FINRA-2011-070 Proposed Rule Change to Amend FINRA Rule 4512 (Customer Account Information)