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8320. Payment of Fines, Other Monetary Sanctions, or Costs; Summary Action for Failure to Pay

(a) Payment to Treasurer
All fines and other monetary sanctions shall be paid to the Treasurer of FINRA and shall be used for the general corporate purposes.
(b) Summary Suspension or Expulsion
After seven days notice in writing, FINRA may summarily suspend or expel from membership a member that fails to:
(1) pay promptly a fine or other monetary sanction imposed pursu

8312. FINRA BrokerCheck Disclosure

(a) In response to a written inquiry, electronic inquiry, or telephonic inquiry via a toll-free telephone listing, FINRA shall release through FINRA BrokerCheck information regarding:
(1) a current or former FINRA member or a current or former member of a registered national securities exchange that uses the Central Registration Depository ("CRD") for registration purposes ("CRD Exchange") (collectively, "BrokerCheck Firms"); or
(2) a current or former associated person of a BrokerCheck Fi

8311. Effect of a Suspension, Revocation, Cancellation, Bar or Other Disqualification

(a) If a person is subject to a suspension, revocation, cancellation of registration, bar from association with a member (each a "sanction") or other disqualification, a member shall not allow such person to be associated with it in any capacity that is inconsistent with the sanction imposed or disqualified status, including a clerical or ministerial capacity.

8310. Sanctions for Violation of the Rules

(a) Imposition of Sanction
After compliance with the Rule 9000 Series, FINRA may impose one or more of the following sanctions on a member or person associated with a member for each violation of the federal securities laws, rules or regulations thereunder, the rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, or FINRA rules, or may impose one or more of the following sanctions on a member or person associated with a member for any neglect or re

8213. Automated Submission of Trading Data for Non-Exchange-Listed Securities Requested by FINRA

Each member shall submit trade data specified in Rule 8211 in automated format as may be prescribed by FINRA from time to time with respect to any transaction or transactions involving non-exchange-listed securities as defined in the Rule 6400 Series that are the subject of a request for information made by FINRA.

8210. Provision of Information and Testimony and Inspection and Copying of Books

(a) Authority of Adjudicator and FINRA Staff
For the purpose of an investigation, complaint, examination, or proceeding authorized by the FINRA By-Laws or rules, an Adjudicator or FINRA staff shall have the right to:
(1) require a member, person associated with a member, or any other person subject to FINRA's jurisdiction to provide information orally, in writing, or electronically (if the requested information is, or is required to be, main