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13314. Combining Claims

Before ranked arbitrator lists are due to the Director under Rule 13404(d), the Director may combine separate but related claims into one arbitration. Once a panel has been appointed, the panel may reconsider the Director's decision upon motion of a party.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2009-003 eff. Jan. 8, 2009.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008.

13313. Multiple Respondents

(a) One or more parties may name one or more respondents in the same arbitration if the claims contain any questions of law or fact common to all respondents and:
•  The claims are asserted against the respondents jointly and severally; or
•  The claims arise out of the same transaction or occurrence, or series of transactions or occurrences.
(b) After all responsive pleadings have been served, claims joined together under paragraph (a) of t

13312. Multiple Claimants

(a) One or more parties may join multiple claims together in the same arbitration if the claims contain common questions of law or fact and:
•  The claims assert any right to relief jointly and severally; or
•  The claims arise out of the same transaction or occurrence, or series of transactions or occurrences.
(b) After all responsive pleadings have been served, claims joined together under paragraph (a) of this rule may be separated into t

13310. Answering Amended Claims

(a) If a claim is amended before it has been answered, the respondent's original time to answer is extended by 20 days.
(b) If a claim is amended after it has been answered, but before a panel has been appointed, the respondent has 20 days from receipt of the amended claim to serve an amended answer.
(c) If a claim is amended after a panel has been appointed, the respondent has 20 days from the time the respondent receives notice that

13309. Amending Pleadings

(a) Before Panel Appointment
Except as provided in paragraph (c), a party may amend a pleading at any time before the panel has been appointed. Panel appointment occurs when the Director sends notice to the parties of the names of the arbitrators on the panel.
(1) To amend a statement of claim that has been filed but not yet served by the Director, the claimant must file the amended claim with the Director.

13306. Answering Third Party Claims

(a) A party responding to a third party claim must serve all other parties with the following documents within 45 days of receipt of the third party claim:
(1) Signed and dated Submission Agreement; and
(2) An answer specifying the relevant facts and available defenses to the third party claim.
The respondent may include any additional documents supporting the answer to