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13513. Authority of Panel to Direct Appearances of Associated Person Witnesses and Production of Documents Without Subpoenas

(a) Upon motion of a party, the panel may order the following without the use of subpoenas:
(1) The appearance of any employee or associated person of a member of FINRA; or
(2) The production of any documents in the possession or control of such persons or members.
(b) The motion must include a draft order and must be filed with the Director. The requesting party must serve the motion and draft order on each other party.

13512. Subpoenas

(a) To the fullest extent possible, parties should produce documents and make witnesses available to each other without the use of subpoenas.
(1) Arbitrators shall have the authority to issue subpoenas for the production of documents or the appearance of witnesses.
(2) Unless circumstances dictate the need for a subpoena, arbitrators shall not issue subpoenas to non-party FINRA members and/or employees or associated persons of non-party FINRA members at the request of FINRA members and/or

13507. Responding to Discovery Requests

(a) Unless the parties agree otherwise, within 60 days from the date a discovery request is received, the party receiving the request must either:
(1) Produce the requested documents or information to all other parties by serving the requested documents or information by first-class mail, overnight mail service, overnight delivery service, hand delivery, email or facsimile;
(2) Identify and explain the reason

13506. Discovery Requests

(a) Requests for Documents or information
Parties may request documents or information from any party by serving a written request on the party. Requests for information are generally limited to identification of individuals, entities, and time periods related to the dispute; such requests should be reasonable in number and not require narrative answers or fact finding.

13504. Motions to Dismiss

(a) Motions to Dismiss Prior to Conclusion of Case in Chief
(1) Motions to dismiss a claim prior to the conclusion of a party's case in chief are discouraged in arbitration.
(2) Motions under this rule must be made in writing, and must be filed separately from the answer, and only after the answer is filed.
(3) Unless the parties agree or the panel determines otherwise, parties must serve motions under this rule at least 60