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13409. Arbitrator Recusal

Any party may ask an arbitrator to recuse himself or herself from the panel for good cause. Requests for arbitrator recusal are decided by the arbitrator who is the subject of the request.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008.
Adopted by SR-NASD-2004-011 eff. April 16, 2007.

13407. Additional Parties

(a) If a party is added to an arbitration after the Director sends the lists generated by the list selection algorithm to the parties, but before the ranked lists are due to the Director, the Director will send the lists to the newly added party, with employment history for the past 10 years and other background information for each arbitrator listed. The newly added party may rank and strike the arbitrators in accordance with Rule 13404.

13405. Combining Lists

For each arbitrator classification (public, non-public, and chairperson), the Director will prepare combined ranked lists of arbitrators based on the parties' numerical rankings, as follows:
•  The Director will add the rankings of all claimants together, and the rankings of all respondents together, to produce separate combined ranked lists for the claimants and the respondents.
•  The Director will then add the combined rankings of claimants and the respondents together, to prod