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13210. Ex Parte Communications

(a) Except as provided in Rule 13211, no party, or anyone acting on behalf of a party, may communicate with any arbitrator outside of a scheduled hearing or conference regarding an arbitration unless all parties or their representatives are present.
(b) No party, or anyone acting on behalf of a party, may send or give any written motion, request, submission or other materials directly to any arbitrator, unless the arbitrators and the parties agree, or the Code prov

13209. Legal Proceedings

During an arbitration, no party may bring any suit, legal action, or proceeding against any other party that concerns or that would resolve any of the matters raised in the arbitration.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008.
Adopted by SR-NASD-2004-011 eff. April 16, 2007.

13207. Extension of Deadlines

(a) The parties may agree in writing to extend or modify any deadline for:
•  Serving an answer;
•  Returning arbitrator or chairperson lists;
•  Responding to motions; or
•  Exchanging documents or witness lists.
If the parties agree to extend or modify a deadline under this rule, they must notify the Director of the new deadlin

13206. Time Limits

(a) Time Limitation on Submission of Claims
No claim shall be eligible for submission to arbitration under the Code where six years have elapsed from the occurrence or event giving rise to the claim. The panel will resolve any questions regarding the eligibility of a claim under this rule.
(b) Dismissal under Rule
Dismissal of a claim under this rule does not prohibit a party from pursuing the claim in court.

13204. Class Action and Collective Action Claims

(a) Class Actions
(1) Class action claims may not be arbitrated under the Code.
(2) Any claim that is based upon the same facts and law, and involves the same defendants as in a court-certified class action or a putative class action, or that is ordered by a court for class-wide arbitration at a forum not sponsored by a self-regulatory organization, shall not be arbitrated under the Code, unles

13203. Denial of FINRA Forum

(a) The Director may decline to permit the use of the FINRA arbitration forum if the Director determines that, given the purposes of FINRA and the intent of the Code, the subject matter of the dispute is inappropriate, or that accepting the matter would pose a risk to the health or safety of arbitrators, staff, or parties or their representatives. Only the Director may exercise the authority under this Rule.

13202. Claims Involving Registered Clearing Agencies

If a registered clearing agency has entered into an agreement to use FINRA's arbitration facilities and procedures, any dispute, claim or controversy involving that registered clearing agency, or participants, pledges or other persons using the facilities of the registered clearing agency will be arbitrated in accordance with such agreement and the rules of the registered clearing agency.
Amended by SR-FINRA