I have successfully made a substantial amount of wealth in the past 5 years, by using these leveraged investments and I am looking forward on retiring soon by using them. My ability to make wealth for me and may family should not be restricted.
Stop with the regulations. Free market should mean just that.
Investors are responsible for their own decisions. If someone wants to invest in leveraged and inverse funds, they should be able to do it without regulation. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just a privlieged few in society and you shouldn't have to pay a financial advisor to trade in leveraged and inverse funds. I oppose the FINRA Regulatory Notice
I oppose any restriction for my right to invest as I wish.
Please pass as much regulation as you can, to control companies like pro funds. Their reverse funds cost me 50,000 dollars. The funds are nothing more than a scam to steal money from hard working people. Very strict laws need to control these type funds, including banning many of them.
leave us alone what we have is none of your business its called freedom
Investments are an American right and should be lthat way. way.
I am writing to state my opposition to any new rules (Notice #22-08) which would restrict my ability as an individual investor to use many of the investment products available, including leveraged and inverse investment products. I believe that the job of FINRA should be to assure us that the products are soundly constructed and to insure that the risks associated with their use are adequately
I am opposed to more govt oversight
No where in the Bill of Rights does it allow the federal government, or any of its derivative agencies, to insert themselves whatsoever into the personal investment decisions of private citizens. This proposed regulation overreach and others like it have and will errode trust in government institutions, and lead to law suits asserting constitutional rights violations in federal court.