As long as the investment and brokers involved outline the risks, that is all the SEC should demand. Freedom for investment key to capitalistic system and should also include all International investments including China whom we must compete with and not restrict- restriction produces artificial competition which never works and only weakens our country!
I got a letter from Proshare urging me to oppose FINRA regulatory notice 22-08 and I almost submitted my public comments but decided to actually read the FINRA notice first. It was an eye-opener to say the least. I am an educated and experienced trader who understands the risks of complex instruments such as inverse funds, leveraged funds, options etc. But the examples FINRA shared of
I oppose limiting restrictions on individuals who invest. It's hard enough to make it through with even the restrictions we already have. Time to leave all our investments alone. Unless you want to contribute with no strings attached. God bless!
I have owned shares of ProShares inverse funds for several years while mistakingly expecting a major drop in the stock markets. I will be very upset if my shares are eliminated by FINRA and I must take a large loss instead of recovering some of my investment when the markets finally correct. Shorting the markets is a legitimate thing to do.
I strongly disagree with this regulation. It is rediculous that an investor has to pass a test before he/she can invests. Freedom of investment is part of our freedom / human rights and please respect it.
I oppose the restrictions
We oppose restrictions to our right to invest. Personally we use leveraged/inverse funds to manage our portfolio risk during financial crisis. We want to maintain our current access to these funds.
I oppose FINRA, oppose regulators, choosing for me. This is George Orwell and Big Brother thinking they are making the decisions.It is my money/funds to invest. Not yours.