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Rule Filings

View the Rule Filing Status Report.

Node: field_core_official_dt (year)
Rule Filing Number Sort ascending Title
SR-NASD-2007-023 Proposed Rule Change to Amend the By-Laws of NASD to Implement Governance and Related Changes to Accommodate the Consolidation of the Member Firm Regulatory Functions of NASD and NYSE Regulation, Inc.
SR-FINRA-2007-022 Proposed Amendment to FINRA's NYSE Rule 342.13 Regarding the Series 9/10 and Series 24 Examinations
SR-NASD-2007-022 The Proposed Rule Change Amends the NASD Code of Mediation Procedure. The Proposal is Concerned Solely with the Administration of NASD in That it Renumbers the Rules, Updates Cross References, and Reinserts Rule Language That had Been Reserved
SR-FINRA-2007-021 The Proposal is Amending Rules 12206 and 12504 of the Customer Code and Rules 13206 and 13504 of the Industry Code to Address Motions to Dismiss and to Amend the Provision of the Eligibility Rule Related to Dismissals
SR-NASD-2007-021 The Proposal Amends the Definition of Public Arbitrator under the Code of Arbitration Procedure for Customer Disputes and the Code of Arbitration Procedure for Industry Disputes to Add an Annual Revenue Limitation
SR-FINRA-2007-020 Proposed Rule Change to Amend NASD Rule 2210 to Create an Exception from the Principal Approval Requirements for Certain Filed Sales Material
SR-NASD-2007-020 Proposed Rule Change to Revise the Implementation Date of Previously Proposed Amendments to NASD Rules 4632(f) and 6130(e)
SR-FINRA-2007-019 Proposed Rule Change to Amend the Definition of Member Organization in FINRA NYSE Rule 2
SR-NASD-2007-019 Proposed Rule Change to Revise the Effective Date of Amendments to NASD's Order Audit Trail System Rules
SR-FINRA-2007-018 Proposed Rule Change Relating to Dissemination of Trade Reports for OTC ADRs and Canadian Issues
SR-NASD-2007-018 Proposed Rule Change to Amend the NASD Rule 7000 Series to Delete References to Systems and Services That Will No Longer Be Provided by NASD
SR-FINRA-2007-017 Proposed Rule Change to Amend Rules Relating to Reporting of Odd-Lot Transactions to FINRA
SR-NASD-2007-017 Proposed Rule Change to Amend NASD Rule 7010A Relating to the Alternative Display Facility Quotation Update Fee
SR-FINRA-2007-016 Proposed Rule Change to Reflect the Closing of the NASD/BSE Trade Reporting Facility
SR-NASD-2007-016 Proposed Rule Change to Amend NASD Rules 4632C and 4632D to Reflect "As/Of" Trade Reporting and the Automated Reporting of Trade Cancellations to the NASD/NSX Trade Reporting Facility and the NASD/BSE Trade Reporting Facility
SR-FINRA-2007-015 Proposed Rule Change to Amend NASD Rules 4632E, 6130E, 6140E and 6160E
SR-NASD-2007-015 A Proposed Rule Change to NASD Rules 1012 and 1013 to Require Applicants for Membership to Apply for Membership in the Manner NASD Prescribes
SR-FINRA-2007-014 Proposed Rule Change to Amend NASD Interpretative Material 2210-4
SR-NASD-2007-014 Proposed Rule Change to Make Conforming Changes to the Rules Relating to the NASD/NSX TRF, NASD/BSE TRF and NASD/NYSE TRF Consistent with the New Requirements of Regulation NMS
SR-FINRA-2007-013 Proposed Rule Change Relating to Amendments to NASD Rule 3210 (Short Sale Delivery Requirements)
SR-NASD-2007-013 Amendments to Rules 2520 and 2860 to Adopt a Portfolio Margin Pilot Program
SR-FINRA-2007-012 Proposed Rule Change to Amend Trade Reporting Rules to Require Related Market Center Indicator on Certain Non-Tape Reports Submitted to FINRA
SR-NASD-2007-012 Proposal Relating to Implementation of Certain Approved NASD Rule Changes Upon the Operation of the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC for Non-Nasdaq Exchange-Listed Securities
SR-FINRA-2007-011 Proposed Rule Change to Amend NASD Rule 2711 and NYSE Rule 472
SR-NASD-2007-011 Proposed Rule Change Relating to a New NASD Trade Reporting Facility Established in Conjunction with NYSE Market, Inc.