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12606. Record of Proceedings

(a) Tape, Digital, or Other Recording
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (b), the Director will make a tape, digital, or other recording of every hearing. The Director will provide a copy of the recording to any party upon request.
(2) The panel may order the parties to provide a transcription of the recording.

12604. Evidence

(a) The panel will decide what evidence to admit. The panel is not required to follow state or federal rules of evidence.
(b) Production of documents in discovery does not create a presumption that the documents are admissible at the hearing.

12603. Failure to Appear

If a party fails to appear at a hearing after having been notified of the time, date and place of the hearing, the panel may determine that the hearing may go forward, and may render an award as though all parties had been present.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008.
Adopted by SR-NASD-2003-158 eff. April 16, 2007.

12601. Postponement of Hearings

(a) Postponement of Hearings
(1) When a Hearing Shall Be Postponed
A hearing shall be postponed:
(A) by agreement of the parties; or
(B) if FINRA notifies a customer that a member or an associated person has become inactive as set forth in Rule 12202, the scheduled hearing date is within 60 days of the date the customer receives the notice from FINRA, and the customer chooses

12600. Required Hearings

(a) Hearings will be held, unless:
(1) The arbitration is administered under Rule 12800(c) or Rule 12801;
(2) The parties agree otherwise in writing; or
(3) The arbitration has been settled, withdrawn or dismissed.
(b) The panel will decide the time and date of the he

12514. Prehearing Exchange of Documents and Witness Lists, and Explained Decision Requests

(a) Documents and Other Materials
At least 20 days before the first scheduled hearing date, all parties must provide all other parties with copies of all documents and other materials in their possession or control that they intend to use at the hearing that have not already been produced. The parties should not file the documents with the Director or the arbitrators before the hearing.

12513. Authority of Panel to Direct Appearances of Associated Person Witnesses and Production of Documents Without Subpoenas

(a) Upon motion of a party, the panel may order the following without the use of subpoenas:
(1) The appearance of any employee or associated person of a member of FINRA; or
(2) The production of any documents in the possession or control of such persons or members.
(b) The motion must include a draft order and must be filed with the Director. The requesting party must serve the motion and draft order on each other party.