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2019061213402 Luke Michael Johnson CRD 3257008 Complaint gg (2023-1691799596213).pdf

FINANCIAL INDUSTRY REGULATORY AUTHORITY OFFICE OF HEARING OFFICERS Department of Enforcement, Complainant, v. Luke Michael Johnson CRD No. 3257008, Respondent Disciplinary Proceeding No. 2019061213402 COMPLAINT The Department of Enforcement (“Enforcement”) alleges: SUMMARY 1. From April 2015 through May 2018 (the “relevant period”), Respondent Luke Johnson, while associated with FINRA member firm Coastal Equities, Inc.

2019064508802 Eugene H. Kim CRD No. 2264940 Complaint gg (2023-1691713206373).pdf

FINANCIAL INDUSTRY REGULATORY AUTHORITY OFFICE OF HEARING OFFICERS Disciplinary Proceeding No. 2019064508802 Department of Enforcement, Complainant, v. Eugene H. Kim CRD No. 2264940, Respondent. COMPLAINT The Department of Enforcement alleges: SUMMARY 1. Between December 2017 and June 2019 (the “relevant period”), while associated with National Securities Corporation (NSC) (CRD No. 7569), Eugene Kim engaged in unethical conduct, acted in bad faith, and misused customer funds in connection with a private offering sold by NSC.