I am a retail investor and these funds offer me the opportunity to invest in strategies other than long equities. I am also an informed investor. I understand and accept the risks involved. I do not believe that regulation will encourage responsible investing. I do believe regulation will limit retail investor opportunity.
Dear Sir
I would like to state my opposition to further restrictions on investment products under the guise of ensuring that I am "protected". Your concern about complex products is well intentioned but it flies against the tenets of free market operation which places considerable emphasis on personal responsibility. I study my investment and I do my homework, and therefore I
I oppose the restrictions to my right to invest.
Please refrain from from taking my ability to invest in the same funds as the wealthy. You can add disclaimers to warn people of the risk but the market should be free to all to invest in the funds they wish.
I oppose any effort to restrict access to leveraged or inverse trading tools or ETFs
I am fully capable of educating myself on the risks and I see no value to the government interference in my private investment choices.
leveraged and inverse funds play an important role in my risk management strategies.
leveraged etfs allow me to take properly hedge and balance my trading accounts and my more
We should be able to choose which investments are right for me and my family, not you the regulator
I oppose restrictions being placed on my right to choose and invest in stocks/bonds/annuities/funds/ETFs/crypto with my own resources as I see fit.
I have been investing for nearly 30 years, carefully researching the products I trade without relying on any particular broker nor adviser. I have recently added cryptocurrency assets, including BITO Proshares. I view this as an additional branch to
Individual investors oppose the SEC Proposed Rule:
--It is a form of control by the regulators to impose its judgement on investors about investment vehicles that play a key role in risk mitigation.
--It is way to impose barriers to market efficiency.
--There is no reason for further intrusion by the government into capital and investing markets.
--It is unconstitutional.
--Retail investors are
5/7/2022 ..Special Test! Do I need you to look over my shoulder as I decide that the price of a security is unrealistically high? Maybe force me to take a special test to judge if I am worthy to take a position?
So what is it? A complete lack of understanding free/fair price discovery? Or arrogance that you (the experts??) know best for the rest of us.
Have you noticed that markets go up and down