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Elmootazbellah Elnozahy Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Elmootazbellah Elnozahy

Dear Sir

I would like to state my opposition to further restrictions on investment products under the guise of ensuring that I am "protected". Your concern about complex products is well intentioned but it flies against the tenets of free market operation which places considerable emphasis on personal responsibility. I study my investment and I do my homework, and therefore I should not be prevented from taking the course of decisions that I believe is best for my case. Restricting market operation is the stuff of the third world, where I left 40 years ago to come to this great nation. I hate to see you transform the USA into the country I came from. Also, while protecting investors is a good thing, please keep in mind that restraining investor activities will just hurt opportunities for gains and generating revenues for the government through taxation. If you truly want to protect me, instead, I advise you to take your valiant efforts to restrict the sales of guns which can take out my life at the hands of others, making this problem of complex investments pale in comparison.