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Paul Lindberg Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Paul Lindberg

5/7/2022 ..Special Test! Do I need you to look over my shoulder as I decide that the price of a security is unrealistically high? Maybe force me to take a special test to judge if I am worthy to take a position?
So what is it? A complete lack of understanding free/fair price discovery? Or arrogance that you (the experts??) know best for the rest of us.
Have you noticed that markets go up and down? You should welcome vigorous price discovery. Trying to freeze prices will only destroy the market. Maybe it is a good thing that investors can by a quality security at a lower price.
Why are you trying to lock young people out of the market? Maybe some day they would like to have (you know) some wealth and maybe a nice retirement.
Short sellers and inverse funds are the only force in the market that in a strong downturn are forced to buy back their positions which supports the market. It is a stabilizing force! Fair/Free markets work!