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David Cottengim Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

David Cottengim

I oppose any effort to restrict access to leveraged or inverse trading tools or ETFs

I am fully capable of educating myself on the risks and I see no value to the government interference in my private investment choices.

leveraged and inverse funds play an important role in my risk management strategies.

leveraged etfs allow me to take properly hedge and balance my trading accounts and my more restricted 401k and IRA accounts.

inverse funds allow me to hedge agains market declines

It is absurd to even consider taking away or restricting access to the few tools available to offset the devastating effects of run away wasteful federal spending and Federal Reserve Policy mistakes. The Federal government and the Federal Reserve are already working overtime to destroy the asset values of hard working Americans. I oppose any effort to make it more difficult for citizens to defend their wealth from the reckless polices already in place.