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Notice To Members 85-23

TO: All NASD Members and Other Interested Persons

Following is a list of NASD Notices to Members issued during the first quarter of 1985. Requests for copies of any notice should be accompanied by a self-addressed mailing label and should be directed to: NASD Administrative Services, 1735 K Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20006.

Notice Number



Notice To Members 85-24


Officers * Partners * Proprietors Operations and P&S Department Managers

TO: ALL NASD Members

In its Notice to Members 84-55 dated October 15, 1984, the Association announced plans to implement a NASDAQ Equity Audit Trail and detailed the seven phases to be followed for completion of the plan. As described in that notice, Phase I involves the collection of additional information from members through the facilities of the clearing corporations to include:

Notice To Members 85-25

TO: All NASD Members

ATTN: Operations Officer, Cashier, Fail-Control Department

On April 10, 1985, the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey appointed a Temporary Receiver for the above captioned firms.

Members may use the "immediate close-out" procedures as provided in Section 59 (i)(2) of the NASD's Uniform Practice Code to close-out open OTC contracts. Also, MSRB Rule G-12 (h)(iii) provides that members may use the above procedures to close-out transactions in municipal securities.

Notice To Members 85-26

TO: All NASD Members and Other Interested Persons

The Securities and Exchange Commission has recently approved an amendment to the Interpretation of the Board of Governors, "Forwarding of Proxy and Other Materials," under Article III, Section 1 of the NASD Rules of Fair Practice.1/ This amendment, which became effective on April 1, 1985, establishes a surcharge which may be charged by NASD members to issuers in connection with proxy solicitations.

Notice To Members 85-27



TO: All NASD Members and Other Interested Persons

The Securities and Exchange Commission has approved a recodification of the NASD By-Laws 1/ and a revised Code of Procedure. 2/ The text of these amendments, which were effective upon approval by the Commission, 3/ is attached.

Notice To Members 85-28

TO: All NASD Members

ATTN: Operations Officer, Cashier, Fail-Control Department

On April 16, 1985, the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas appointed a Temporary Receiver for the above-captioned firm.

Members may use the "immediate close-out" procedures as provided in Section 59 (i)(2) of the NASD's Uniform Practice Code to close out open OTC contracts. Also, MSRB Rule G-12 (h)(iii) provides that members may use the above procedures to close out transactions in municipal securities.

Notice To Members 85-30

TO: All NASD Members

The Securities and Exchange Commission recently issued proposals designed to clarify the obligations of brokers and issuers under its previously adopted direct communications program. The SEC had earlier mandated a program for issuers' direct communications with beneficial shareowners to go into effect on January 1, 1985.

Notice To Members 85-31

TO: All NASD Members and Level 2 and Level 3 Subscribers

On Tuesday, May 7, 1985, 82 issues are scheduled to join the NASDAQ National Market System bringing the total number of issues in NASDAQ/NMS to 1,934. These 82 issues, which will begin trading under real-time trade reporting, are entering the NASDAQ/NMS pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Commission's criteria for voluntary designation.

The 82 issues scheduled to join NASDAQ/NMS on Tuesday, May 7, 1985, are: