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7150. Obligation to Honor Trades

If a Participant is reported by the System as a party to a trade that has been treated as locked-in and sent to DTCC, notwithstanding any other agreement to the contrary, that party shall be obligated to act as a principal to the trade and shall honor such trade on the scheduled settlement date.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2013-053 eff. Feb. 3, 2014.

7130. Trade Report Input

(a) Reportable System Transactions
Members shall comply with the Rule 7100 Series when reporting transactions to the System, including executions of less than one round lot if those executions are to be compared and locked-in. All trades that are reportable transactions will be processed pursuant to an effective transaction reporting plan.

7110. Definitions

(a) The term "ADF-eligible security" means an NMS stock as defined in Rule 600(b)(47) of SEC Regulation NMS.
(b) The term "Clearing Broker-Dealer" or "Clearing Broker" shall mean the member firm that has been identified in the ADF as principal for clearing and settling a trade, whether for its own account or for a correspondent firm.
(c) The term "Correspondent Executing Broker-Dealer" or "Correspondent Executing Broker" shall mean the member firm that has been identified