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6895. Compliance Dates

(a) General
Except as set forth in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Rule or otherwise set forth in this Rule Series, the compliance date for this Rule Series is the date of Commission approval.
(b) Clock Synchronization
(1) Each Industry Member shall comply with Rule 6820 with regard to Business Clocks that capt

6880. Development and Testing

(a) Development

(1) Industry Member file submission and data integrity testing for Phases 2a and 2b shall begin in December 2019.

(2) Industry Member testing of the Reporter Portal, including data integrity error correction tools and data submissions, shall begin in February 2020.

(3) The Industry Member test environment shall open with intra-firm linkage validations to Industry Members for both Phases 2a and 2b in April 2020.

6860. Time Stamps

(a) Millisecond Time Stamps
(1) Subject to paragraphs (a)(2) and (b), each Industry Member shall record and report Industry Member Data to the Central Repository with time stamps in milliseconds.
(2) Subject to paragraph (b), to the extent that any Industry Member's order handling or execution systems utilize time stamps in increments finer than milliseconds, such Industry Member shall record and report Indus

6840. Customer Information Reporting

(a) Initial Set of Customer Information
Each Industry Member shall submit to the Central Repository the Firm Designated ID, the Transformed Value for individual tax payer identification number ("ITIN")/social security number ("SSN"), Customer Account Information and Customer Identifying Information for each of its Customers with an Active Account prior to such Industry Member's commencement of reporting to the Central Repository and in accordance with the deadlines set f

6830. Industry Member Data Reporting

(a) Recording and Reporting Industry Member Data
(1) Subject to paragraph (a)(3) below, each Industry Member shall record and electronically report to the Central Repository the following details for each order and each Reportable Event, as applicable ("Recorded Industry Member Data") in the manner prescribed by the Operating Committee pursuant to the CAT NMS Plan:
(A) for original receipt or origination of an order: