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Rule Filing Status:  Approved

Rule change to amend FINRA Rules 1015, 9261, 9341, 9524 and 9830 and Funding Portal Rule 900 to allow for video conference hearings before the Office of Hearing Officers and the National Adjudicatory Council under specified conditions.


Rule Filing Status:  Approved

Rule change to amend the requirements for Covered Agency Transactions under FINRA Rule 4210 (Margin Requirements) as approved by the SEC pursuant to SR-FINRA-2015-036. The proposed rule change would amend, under FINRA Rule 4210, paragraphs (e)(2)(H), (e)(2)(I), (f)(6), and Supplementary Material .02 through .05, each as amended or established pursuant to SR-FINRA-2015-036.

Regulatory Notice 23-14


FINRA has amended the requirements relating to Covered Agency Transactions that FINRA originally adopted in 2016. Covered Agency Transactions include (1) To Be Announced  transactions, inclusive of adjustable rate mortgage transactions, (2) Specified Pool Transactions and (3) transactions in Collateralized Mortgage Obligations, issued in conformity with a program of an agency or Government-Sponsored Enterprise, with forward settlement dates, as recapped more fully in this Notice.