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September 2024 Board Meeting

The FINRA Board of Governors meets this week. Following are several items the Board committees will consider during the meeting.

  • The Finance, Operations and Technology Committee will:
    • receive an update on FINRA’s Enforcement Digital Transformation, a multi-year initiative to improve efficiencies in the case workflow process and reduce maintenance costs;
    • continue discussions around FINRA’s long-term financial planning; and
    • receive an update on the Consolidated Audit Trail.
  • The Regulatory Oversight Committee will:
    • receive an overview of recent market fraud risks; and
    • receive an update from FINRA’s National Cause and Financial Crimes (NCFC) unit.

Related to the last item, staff from NCFC regularly appear on our FINRA Unscripted podcast series, including most recently on a July episode focused on how our Financial Intelligence Unit within NCFC is evolving the way they share information, including through the introduction of Threat Intelligence Products, or TIPs. As a key function of our role as a self-regulatory organization, we leverage our resources and connections with intelligence agencies, other regulators and additional stakeholders to inform firms of fraud and other emerging threats in real-time via TIPs, cyber alerts and other member firm advisories. Please be on the lookout for these alerts from FINRA, and I encourage you to share them throughout your firm to help keep your organization and your customers protected from fraud.

More information regarding the Board’s operations, including the membership and responsibilities of its committees, is available on FINRA’s governance page at

I look forward to sharing an update about our discussions shortly after the meeting.


Robert W. Cook