On January 31, 2022, FINRA introduced the Participant Data Management System (“PDM”) which firms now use to manage access to the FINRA trade reporting facilities, including TRACE, ORF and ADF. PDM also allows firms to add, view, and modify users of the TRAQS web interface. FINRA has published several notices to remind firms to use PDM to review their TRAQS users. As a final reminder, firms are
Treasury Aggregate Statistics to Provide More Transparency in Marketplace
WASHINGTON — FINRA today for the first time posted weekly, aggregate data on the trading volume of Treasury securities reported to TRACE®, FINRA’s Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine®.
The new Treasury Aggregate Statistics report provides trading volume in U.S. Treasury securities reported to TRACE for the prior week.
Board Approves Rule Proposal to Shorten the Securities Settlement Cycle to T+1 Consistent with Recent SEC Rule Changes, and Allocation of 2022 Fine Monies
WASHINGTON—FINRA’s Board of Governors met on March 9-10 for the first time in 2023. The board approved a rule proposal to amend FINRA rules to conform to the SEC’s rule changes to shorten the securities settlement cycle and discussed a variety
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (“FINRA”) is filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC” or “Commission”) a proposed rule change to amend FINRA Rule 8312 (FINRA BrokerCheck Disclosure). The proposed rule change would (1) make information about formerly registered individuals subject to a final regulatory action available through BrokerCheck® on a permanent basis only
Dear FINRA Committee members, It is this commenter's genuine hope that short selling is banned as it serves counter-purpose to the two primary functions of the Stock Market, Capital Allotment, and Price Discovery. As such an act would likely remove the need for FINRA, and it is unjust to request this forum to consider self-destruction. Instead, this comment hopes to serve as a basic appeal
Please stop the government intrusion into crypto currency the public can make informed decisions nowadays .
It is up to individual person to decide about investing their money in to proshare ETF with completely informed decision.
Board Approves Rulemaking Items, Hosts Securities and Exchange Commission Officials
WASHINGTON—FINRA’s Board of Governors held its fourth meeting of the year—the first with Eric Noll as Chair—on Sept. 21-22 in New York. The Board approved two rulemaking items and continued its engagement with key stakeholders by hosting officials from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
The Treasury Aggregate Statistics provide trading volume in U.S. Treasury securities reported to TRACE for the prior week. The reports have been published since March 2020. On January 3, 2023, FINRA will enhance the reports as follows:
The weekly data reports will be replaced with daily and monthly reports. The last weekly report will be published on January 4, 2023 for the week ending December