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Anonymous-RI Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19


To Whomever this concerns, Please institute rules that will help investors in the American marketplace have faith that the system is not corrupt, that there is a level playing field, and that the government works for the people and not just wealthy and well-connected institutions and individuals. In this modern "information" era, the disparity in the available information to retail investors and the "smart money" is astonishing. In a country that preaches equality, it seems those with more money are more equal than the rest of us - this is something that needs to change and I believe that this is a great place to start! We talk the talk, and its time to walk the walk. Without innovation, someone new (another country, I mean) will replace us. The innovation we need is transparency, equality, and true ownership. In these bizarre and chaotic times, people need to be able to trust that the governing bodies that they elected and those in positions of authority are acting in the interest of the majority. In regards to the future of this country which I love so dear, please make the United States market that is fair and transparent. Please update the antiquated and overly complicated system and utilize the technology of today to revolutionize ownership. This all starts with changing the rules. I believe we need clear cut and simple rules that everything out in black and white. The more complicated the system, the easier it is to work around the rules - this is something I am very aware of as a technology system designer. In terms of how, Blockchain is looking better by the day as a means to make this dream a reality. I shudder at the thought of the world losing faith in investing in the United States; I believe it would cripple our nation beyond anything seen in our lifetimes making the fate of the Weimar Republic look like a good dream. Please help turn us off of this dark path. Please do your duty to the American people. I want my children to be born into a fair and equal society where everyone knows the rules and has information available to them to make informed decisions and compete in the market through true capitalism. Sincerely, A concerned American