April 19, 2001OATS maintains an active file of the most current five business days for Market, GTT, and DAY orders ("the DAY Order file"). The Day Order file includes both New Order Reports and Cancel/Replace Reports and is used to validate subsequent order events. Reporting members have five business days from the date a Market, GTT, or DAY order is accepted by OATS, including the date
WASHINGTON — The FINRA Investor Education Foundation (FINRA Foundation) and the Filene Research Institute (Filene) today announced the availability of free resources to help credit unions and employers with turn-key start-up of a small-dollar loan program designed to help workers avoid the high cost of alternative borrowing, establish or repair credit, and begin to save.
The Employer-Sponsored
November 2, 1999The OATS Web interface is an alternative to e-mail, FTP (file transfer protocol), and Connect:Direct for sending new and repaired order data to OATS. Some firms may have recently experienced challenges using the OATS Web interface when sending large volumes (usually more than 100) of new and repaired ROEs. Such actions could result in information not being displayed in a timely
Member firms that fail to repair and resubmit rejected ROEs may be in violation of NASD Rule 6955 and may also be considered to be in violation of NASD Rule 2110.
Broker-Dealer, Investment Adviser Firm, Agent and Investment Adviser Representative, and Branch Renewals for 2018
November 2, 1999Prior to the release of OATS in the test environment on August 23, 1999 and the production environment on September 20, 1999, OATS deviated from its own format specifications by accepting ROE records with an additional ending delimiter.The most recent OATS release now enforces the delimited format, which has been specified in Chapter 5, "Data Reporting Formats," and
December 4, 2000OATS currently collects price information in a decimal format [i.e., Numeric (18,8), left justified] and therefore will be unaffected, in terms of formatting, by the conversion to decimals.A common question is whether members need to modify open orders in OATS to reflect changes to any prices for open limit orders, stop orders, or stop/limit orders resulting from rounding. The
April 12, 2002NASDR delayed the implementation of the new "Bunched Order Indicator," which was originally scheduled for inclusion in the April 8, 2002 Order Audit Trail System (OATS) Release. Members will be notified of a later rollout date. The field will remain in the code and is labeled as "Reserved for Future Use" in the OATS Reporting Technical Specifications. When
WASHINGTON — The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) announced today that Susan F. Axelrod will leave FINRA for other opportunities in the private sector after 28 years of service at the organization and its predecessor, NYSE Regulation. Axelrod has served as FINRA’s Executive Vice President for Regulatory Operations since 2013, where she has been responsible for leading the Member