This is an unfair rule preventing ordinary investors from taking full advantage of the market. As a graduate of law school, I am perfectly capable of making these types of decisions without being forced to take burdensome tests. There should be no such requirement provided I am offering no advice to others about investment. I strongly oppose this measure.
Your proposal is treating investors like children. I am opposed to ptoposed rule S7-24-15. I have a PhD in business administration and am capable of deciding my own investment strategy without the hoops you propose for investors to jump through.
Dear FINRA Regulators, I AM OPPOSED TO RESTRICTIONS ON MY RIGHT TO INVEST in inverse investments as an individual. It is important that the public at large, and in particular, me and my family, be allowed to invest in inverse ETF's without restriction or further regulatory interference by imposing additional regulations. We, as investors, are in charge of knowing the risks and opportunities
I should be able to make investment choices without restriction. I understand that I can assess my own risks and do not need to be tested on my knowledge. I don't think people should be discriminated based upon what their net worth should be to invest in these products.
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me. I should have to go through any special process.
I am against further regulation on leveraged and inverse funds. These kinds of funds provide a very convenient and easy-to-use set of tolls to either hedge your portfolio or enhance its performance. I feel the existing regulations covering these securities are sufficient to protect individual investors.
Investors have the right to invest their money in the investments of their choice. We take the risk and that should be our right. America is a free country, not to be controlled by the government.
i agree with the statements that their should not be any regulators taking control and forcing me to take tests. please dont take my rights away
Please do not regulate my choices as an investor. I would like the freedom to invest as I see fit.