Transparency in the market, I request more frequent public reporting of short positions and more detail in public reports. Frequent monitoring of naked shorting especially from Citadel who is a Market Maker and Hedge fund which is a conflict of interest.
I would like more frequent public reporting of short positions and more detail in public reports.
Please require all institutions and bonafide market makers to report their short positions who are subject to 13(f). Real time reporting of short positions would be beneficial as well. SSR rule needs to also account for naked shares. There have been multiple cases of $gme and $amc being shorted on red candles instead of being shorted on green candles when SSR is active.
I want more transparency and accountability regarding shorts, synthetic shorts, market manipulation by hedge funds and their use of distressed markets to destroy businesses and the economy. Regulate Wall Street.
Complete transparency! If a market maker like Citadel can process order flow and know in real time what moves I'm making, then it should go without question that I be able to see what positions they are taking, also in real time. It's an extreme conflict of interest that they are allowed to do both. These current timelines for reporting are an extreme disadvantage to retail investors.
Where do I begin? Crack out the whip on SEC forcing them to actually enforce the current rules, & make improvements where needed to protect EVERY investor - NO FAVORITISM. Shorts should be transparent for ALL to see. 'Immediate' enforcement of FTD failure to deliver. FULL transparency is imperative, show what's happening on the inside with dark pools. A fair market needs to
It's about time. The retail investor deserves access to the same information institutional investors have.
Its clear that you guys understand that big intuition shape market sentiment, that is why it has been required for big institution to report when they take a long position in any company, it is beyond absurd that the same requirements are not in place when a large intuition takes a massive short position. Going forward, it should be a requirement that short positions be reported on a daily basis
I want more frequent public reporting of short positions and more detail in public reports
The dark pools need to be removed to restore retail investor confidence. Full disclosure of short positions on a monthly basis. Rein in the hedge fund manipulation or the whole market will eat itself.