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Mauricio Flores Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Mauricio Flores

Dear FINRA Regulators:

I use Public Investments as a tool to build my financial future and that of my family. As an investor I want to have all options available to me and they should be available to others too, at any time, with no restrictions whatsoever. I want to have the right to choose freely what Public Investments to use in my portafolio and assume full responsibility for my investment decisions, since no one but me knows better what is best for me and my family.

Personally, I understand Leveraged and Inverse Funds and their risks and I don't think that any certification, test, restriction or limitation of any kind is necessary or should be imposed to anybody in order to be allowed to use them or not. I do not need such measures, specially in the information age we are living in.

I use inverse ETFs to protect my portafolio and increase returns only during market declines. They have proven to be very useful as part of my strategy in such market conditions. Taking away the possibility to use them, would affect negativity my investment returns and would reduce my opportunities to do better at investing.

I am fully aware that all investments carry with them their own risks. That includes investment tools other than Leveraged and Inverse Funds. Many other instruments that are not being regulated may well be riskier if not used properly or in the right market conditions.

The right to personal autonomy and the freedom to choose should be respected at all costs, since freedom is one of the inspiring rights that the Constitution of the United States protects.

Thank you for considering my comments.