These tools are important to the individual investor who wish to diversify their retirement accounts. If you take away this tool you are hindering free markets.
Investors should have the right to choose investments. With proper disclosure it should not be a burden to choose complex investments
I should be able to decide which investments are right for me and my family without having to jump through hoops. Some of the investments included in this proposed rule are part of my portfolio strategy and will continue to be to help me hedge against risk. Proposals like this hurt the broader population and benefit those already wealthy by reducing the access to beneficial vehicles and
We should all have the equal opportunity to choose public investments that are best for our families. Public investments should be available to everyone, not just the privileged. Like any investment, we are aware of the risks and should have that same privilege to invest how we choose. Additionally, many of these investments are crucial to hedge against other positions and market volatility.
I strongly feel that American investors such as myself should continue to have the right to invest in leveraged & inverse ETF's if we so choose. To have some regulatory body make that decision for us I feel is un-American, un-called for and unnecessary. I have been investing in leveraged & inverse ETF's since 2013 and I continue to invest in them because of the great
Freedom to trade is a huge violation of personal choice. There is risk in the market and that should be the point to drive home.
So only special certain people can invest. Come on. All or nothing!
I strongly disagree on this proposed regulation rule #S7-24-15
i regularly use both inverse and leveraged funds in my trading. I use these to generate supplemental income using a covered call strategy. These two types of funds provide me with the flexibility to trade regardless of market conditions. Removal of these would certainly harm my income generation.
Please allow free trading of all leverage funds. There's no reason why a trader like myself should be restricted in trading these funds.