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5 A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T V
Compliance Tools

FINRA is providing this checklist to help members assess their obligations under the SEC’s Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI) and Form CRS Relationship Summary (Form CRS). The checklist is not a substitute for any rule. Only the rule can provide definitive information regarding its requirements. Interpretive questions should be directed to the SEC, at [email protected].

Frequently asked questions about FINRA BrokerCheck, a free tool for researching brokers, brokerage firms, investment advisers & investment adviser firms.

Compliance Tools


When considering their obligations to provide all available breakpoint discounts on sales of Class A shares of front-end load mutual funds, member firms may review the following Breakpoint Checklist and Breakpoint Worksheet, which may help member firms evaluate their breakpoint compliance programs and confirm whether they are capturing all relevant categories of information to provide customers all available breakpoint discounts.



Since we introduced our FINRA360 initiative, FINRA has taken a series of actions to enhance support for small firms, including providing small firms with tools and resources to help them comply with regulations.

A consistent comment that FINRA has heard is a desire on the part of small firms for a tool to allow them to get answers to general questions that did not rise to a level that required involvement by their Regulatory Coordinator.

Q1. My firm has been granted an exemption from both the recording and reporting requirements of the OATS Rules and does not currently have an obligation to report to OATS. Does my firm’s OATS exemption extend to the Consolidated Audit Trail (“CAT”) recording and reporting requirements?
A1. No. Neither SEC Rule 613 nor the CAT NMS Plan provide exemptive relief to any class of broker-dealers.

Compliance Tools

The Municipal Primary Offering Disclosure Report displays statistics about transactions your firm effected with customers during the securities’ Primary Offering Disclosure Period. This report is designed to aid firms in monitoring their compliance with Rule G-32(a) customer disclosure requirements, which apply to all broker-dealers selling offered municipal securities.


1. My firm filed with the Advertising Regulation Department a retail communication that promotes or recommends a private placement subject to the filing requirements of FINRA Rules 5122 or 5123. Do we now need to file the same communication with the Corporate Financing Department?

This document provides guidelines regarding the use of the Trace Reporting and Compliance Engine and TRACE trademarks. Any use of these trademarks must be in accordance with these guidelines.

This list of Frequently Asked Questions covers topics such as Rights of Accumulation (ROA) and Letters of Intent (LOI), as well as resources to help you educate your clients.



FINRA has been actively monitoring financial technology-related (FinTech) developments in the securities industry. A growing number of FinTech firms have been embracing new technologies, pioneering innovative products and developing new client-oriented financial services business models. Many traditional financial service providers are also rethinking their business models, incorporating these technologies and services. As part of the FINRA360 process, FINRA determined that it needed to enhance resources dedicated to this rapidly developing area of the industry.

Compliance Tools

The MSRB Due Diligence Report Card is a monthly status report to help firms monitor their issuances being brought to market in order to support firm's due diligence efforts.  The report shows how many total issuances have been brought to market and which of those had issuers with previous issuances in the market that are lacking current audited financial filings (LCF) on EMMA.  If any of the issuances being brought to market have a previously issued CUSIP LCF, then the current issuance is identified on this report card.

The report offers two alternative views:


1. How do I submit form filings to CRD?

Questions and answers regarding the Mutual Fund Breakpoint Assessment



In response to the March 2017 Special Notice on Engagement issued as part of FINRA360, FINRA received a number of comments and suggestions regarding the effectiveness of communications with and education of firms, including ways in which FINRA could enhance its engagement with member firms. After careful review of the comments and suggestions received, FINRA is taking a number of actions.  

Compliance Tools

The Registered Representative Composition Report is produced on a quarterly basis and displays trends in the profile of registered representatives associated with the firm. The report allows firms to compare their statistics to those of the industry. The data in this report comes from Web CRD®.

This report is generally published approximately 5 weeks after the last business day of the quarter. Users who have not opted-out of notifications will receive an email indicating that new reports have been published.

Events & Training

2023 FINRA Spotlight Webinar

The Fraud Spotlight is a free webinar series hosted by FINRA’s Financial Intelligence Unit that focuses on emerging financial crimes, threats and trends.

These events are open to FINRA member firms only. Participants must provide their firm's broker-dealer number when registering.

Upcoming Webinars

There are no scheduled webinars at this time.


1. Where can I access a list describing the exams listed in CRD?

A listing of the exams available in CRD can be found on the Qualification Exams page.

2. How long is an exam window in CRD?

Exam windows are valid for 120 days. Provided that an exam candidate is not subject to a waiting period after a previous failed attempt, the exam window start date will be the day following the submission of the exam enrollment request.

Compliance Tools
NASD directed all firms that processed more than a minimal amount of mutual fund transactions using an automated process to conduct a self-assessment of their mutual fund transactions in 2001 and 2002 and the sales discounts provided, and to submit the results to NASD. As of July 30, 2003, the 642 firms listed below submitted assessment results to NASD.

View frequently asked questions related to portfolio margining under FINRA Rule 4210.


FINRA has initiated a multi-phased effort to overhaul its registration and disclosure programs, including the Central Registration Depository (CRD) -- the central licensing and registration system that FINRA operates for the U.S. securities industry and its regulators, and that provides the backbone of BrokerCheck. In June 2018, we implemented the first phase of the transformation through a new WebCRD interface that highlights important information or activities requiring the immediate attention of firms, branches and individuals.



Pursuant to SR-FINRA-2022-030, FINRA Rule 3110.17, which provides firms the option to satisfy their Rule 3110(c) obligations remotely, has been amended to include calendar year 2023 inspections obligations through the earlier of the effective date of the pilot program proposed in File No. SR-FINRA-2022-021, if approved, or December 31, 2023. Rule 3110.17, as amended, becomes operative on January 1, 2023 and does not extend to a member’s inspection requirements beyond December 31, 2023.