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2370. Security Futures

(a) For purposes of this Rule, the term "security future" shall have the definition specified in Section 3(a)(55) of the Exchange Act.
(b) Requirements
(1) General
(A) Applicability — This Rule shall be applicable to the trading of security futures.
(B) Subparagraph (15) shall apply only to security futures carried in securities accounts.

2360. Options

(a) Definitions
The following terms shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the stated meanings:
(1) Aggregate Exercise Price — The term "aggregate exercise price" means the exercise price of an option contract multiplied by the number of units of the underlying security covered by such option contract.
(2) Call — The term "call" means an option contract under which the holder of the option has the right, in accordance with t

2359. Position and Exercise Limits; Liquidations

(a) Position Limits
Except with the prior written approval of FINRA pursuant to the Rule 9600 Series for good cause shown, no member shall effect for any account in which such member has an interest, or for the account of any partner, officer, director or employee thereof, or for the account of any customer, a purchase or sale transaction in an index warrant listed on a national securities exchange if the member has reason to believe that as a resul

2357. Communications with the Public and Customers Concerning Index Warrants, Currency Index Warrants and Currency Warrants

The provisions of Rule 2220 shall be applicable to communications to customers regarding index warrants, currency index warrants, or currency warrants. The term "option" as used therein shall be deemed to include such warrants for purposes of this Rule and the term "The Options Clearing Corporation" shall be deemed to mean the issuer of such warrants.

2356. Customer Complaints

The record-keeping requirements of Rule 2360(b)(17)(A) concerning the receipt and handling of customer complaints relating to options shall also apply to customer complaints relating to index warrants, currency index warrants, or currency warrants and the required records of such complaints shall be maintained together with the records pertaining to options related complaints, provided that complaints related to index warrants, currency index warrants, or currency warrants shall be clearly identified as s

2352. Account Approval

No member or person associated with a member shall accept an order from a customer to purchase or sell an index warrant, currency index warrant, or currency warrant unless the customer's account has been approved for options trading pursuant to Rule 2360(b)(16).
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-032 eff. Feb. 17, 2009.