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3210. Accounts At Other Broker-Dealers and Financial Institutions

(a) No person associated with a member ("employer member") shall, without the prior written consent of the member, open or otherwise establish at a member other than the employer member ("executing member"), or at any other financial institution, any account in which securities transactions can be effected and in which the associated person has a beneficial interest.
(b) Any associated person, prior to opening or otherwise establishing an account subject to this Rule, shall notify

3160. Networking Arrangements Between Members and Financial Institutions

(a) Standards for Member Conduct
Except as otherwise provided in this Rule, a member that is a party to a networking arrangement under which the member conducts broker-dealer services on or off the premises of a financial institution is subject to the following requirements:
(1) Setting
A member that conducts broker-dealer services on the premises of a financial institution shall:
(A) be clearly iden

3130. Annual Certification of Compliance and Supervisory Processes

(a) Designation of Chief Compliance Officer(s)
Each member shall designate and specifically identify to FINRA on Schedule A of Form BD one or more principals to serve as a chief compliance officer.
(b) Annual Certification Requirement
Each member shall have its chief executive officer(s) (or equivalent officer(s)) certify annually,1 as set forth in paragraph (c), that the member has in place process

3120. Supervisory Control System

(a) Each member shall designate and specifically identify to FINRA one or more principals who shall establish, maintain, and enforce a system of supervisory control policies and procedures that:
(1) test and verify that the member's supervisory procedures are reasonably designed with respect to the activities of the member and its associated persons, to achieve compliance with applicable securities laws and regulations, and w

3110. Supervision

(a) Supervisory System
Each member shall establish and maintain a system to supervise the activities of each associated person that is reasonably designed to achieve compliance with applicable securities laws and regulations, and with applicable FINRA rules. Final responsibility for proper supervision shall rest with the member.