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9760. Call for Review by the National Adjudicatory Council

The National Adjudicatory Council's Review Subcommittee (as defined in Rule 9120(aa)) may call for review a proposed decision that was prepared pursuant to Rule 9750 within 21 days after receipt of the decision from the Office of Hearing Officers. If the Review Subcommittee calls the proceeding for review within the prescribed time, a Subcommittee (as defined in Rule 9120(cc)) of the National Adjudicatory Council shall meet and conduct a review not later than 40 days after the call for review.

9750. Decision

Decisions on applications shall be in writing and a copy shall be sent to the National Adjudicatory Council’s Review Subcommittee (as defined in Rule 9120(aa)). If not called for review in accordance with Rule 9760, the Hearing Officer shall issue its decision after being notified by the National Adjudicatory Council’s Review Subcommittee that the decision will not be called for review or upon expiration of the time allowed for call for review.

9740. Consideration of Applications

All applications shall be considered by a Hearing Officer (as defined in Rule 9120(r)) appointed by the Chief Hearing Officer (as defined in Rule 9120(b)). Unless otherwise specified in FINRA rules, the applicant shall be entitled to be heard in person or telephonically and by counsel and to submit any relevant matter. In any such proceeding a record shall be kept.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008.

9730. Request for Hearing

Upon request, the applicant shall be granted a hearing after reasonable notice. In the absence of such request for a hearing, FINRA's Office of Hearing Officers may, in its discretion, have any application set down for hearing or consider the matter on the basis of the application and supporting documents.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008.
Amended by SR-NASD-2007-052 eff. Aug. 1, 2008.

9720. Form of Application

All applications shall be in writing, and shall specify in reasonable detail the nature of and basis for the redress requested. If the application consists of several allegations, each allegation shall be stated separately. All applications must be signed and shall be directed to FINRA's Office of Hearing Officers relating to automated quotation, execution or communications system owned or operated by FINRA.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff.

9710. Purpose

The purpose of this Rule 9700 Series is to provide, where justified, redress for persons aggrieved by the operations of any automated quotation, execution, or communication system owned or operated by FINRA, or FINRA Regulation, and approved by the SEC, not otherwise provided for by the FINRA rules.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2015-034 eff. Dec. 20, 2015.

9630. Appeal

(a) Notice
An Applicant may file a written notice of appeal within 15 calendar days after service of a decision issued under Rule 9620. The notice of appeal shall be filed with the Office of General Counsel of FINRA, with a copy of the notice also provided to the appropriate department or staff of FINRA. The notice of appeal shall contain a brief statement of the findings and conclusions as to which exception is taken.

9620. Decision

After considering an application, FINRA staff shall issue a written decision setting forth its findings and conclusions. The decision shall be served on the Applicant pursuant to Rules 9132 and 9134, except with respect to written decisions for exemptive relief under NASD Rule 1070 (Qualification Examinations and Waiver of Requirements), which shall be served on the Applicant electronically.