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Regulatory Notice 19-17

Listen to FINRA CEO Robert Cook discuss proposed new Rule 4111 at the 2019 FINRA Annual Conference.


As part of FINRA’s ongoing initiatives to protect investors from misconduct, FINRA is requesting comment on proposed new Rule 4111 (Restricted Firm Obligations) that would im

FINRA Sanctions AXA Advisors, LLC Approximately $772,000 for Misrepresentations to 401(k) Plan Sponsors and Participants

Restitution Ordered; Firm Ordered to Send Corrective Disclosures to Affected Plan Participants

WASHINGTON — FINRA announced today that it has fined AXA Advisors, LLC (AXA) $600,000 and ordered the firm to pay approximately $172,000 in restitution to affected 401(k) retirement plan participants for distributing materials that negligently misrepresented that certain bond funds offered for 401(k) plans were “investment-grade” when, in fact, a substantial portion of the funds’ portfolios consisted of high-yield or junk bonds.