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Certification of Nomination

Sec. 6.13  Under the direction of the Secretary of the Corporation or the Secretary’s designee, the Independent Agent shall count the votes received for each candidate. The candidate receiving the largest number of votes cast by FINRA members eligible to vote based on the firm size classifications (Small Firm, Mid- Size Firm, or Large Firm) defined in these By-Laws shall be declared the nominee and the Nominating Committee shall nominate such candidate to the FINRA Board. In the event of a tie, there shall be a run-off vote for the nomination.

Ballots Returned As Undelivered

Sec. 6.9  The Independent Agent shall investigate any ballot returned undelivered and shall determine whether it was sent to the FINRA member's address of record. If incorrectly addressed, the Independent Agent shall send a new ballot to the FINRA member's address of record.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2016-014 eff. Aug. 11, 2016.


Sec. 6.7  With the assistance of the Secretary of the Corporation and an Independent Agent, the Nominating Committee shall prepare a ballot with the name or names of its candidate and any additional candidates proposed for nomination pursuant to Section 6.2. The ballot shall list the candidates in alphabetical order and shall identify the candidate or candidates proposed for nomination by the Nominating Committee.

Administrative Support

Sec. 6.6  The Secretary of the Corporation shall provide administrative support to all candidates by sending to FINRA members eligible to vote based on the firm size classifications (Small Firm, Mid-Size Firm, or Large Firm) defined in these By-Laws up to two mailings of materials prepared by the candidates. The Corporation shall pay the postage for the mailings. If a candidate wants such mailings sent, the candidate shall prepare such material on the candidate’s personal stationery.

Uncontested Nomination

Sec. 6.4  If the Nominating Committee proposes one candidate for nomination and no additional candidate is proposed for nomination pursuant to Section 6.2, the Nominating Committee shall nominate its candidate to the FINRA Board.
Renumbered from Sec. 6.16 and amended by SR-FINRA-2008-046 eff. Nov. 6, 2008.