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I oppose limits and restrictions in my trading of leveraged and inverse securities. I am well aware of the risks associated with such products. Although they make up a small portion of my overall portfolio, I appreciate the diversity of products offered and the ability to hedge securities. I strongly oppose any further restrictions which may included testing, income or net worth limits, so called
Leave it as is...maybe limit frequency or quantity...but don't eliminate!
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please consider continuing the use of leveraged and inverse funds, especially those from ProShares. As a long time investor in both TQQQ and MVV, I am well aware of the risks and rewards of leveraging in both times of market appreciation and depreciation. The mentioned leveraged funds are another arrow in my quiver of diversification and ability to be financially independent
I know what I'm doing. There's no reason leveraged ETFs can't play a role in a diversified portfolio. I'm an adult, not a baby that needs to be protected by you. Please leave me alone, you're interfering with my life and liberty and I didn't ask for your help.
I use leveraged ETFs as part of my balanced portfolio. I understand and accept the risks, just as anyone investing in equities should. There is reason for regulators to interfere with my ability to shape my portfolio as I deem appropriate.
I understand what tqqq is and i dont need your protection by restrict me buying or selling my etf.
I don't think the government should be able to dictate what I can and cannot invest my money in.
I am aware of the restrictions that may be introduced on my leveraged investments and I strongly appose any limitations likely to be considered on these investments! As a private investor I should be allowed to choose where to invest my capital as I take full responsibility for the outcomes of my investment strategy. I understand leveraged and inverse funds and am fully aware of the risks
Comments: If an investor is savvy enough to understand complex products let them invest. Are you going to take a test of investors to confirm that? You do not check the competence of our elderly supreme court justices or congressmen or senators or President who make decisions affecting millions but you want to do this?!!!!