Hello, I wish to keep the ability to use leveraged and inverse ETFs in my trading. I use these to protect my account. For example, I use the 2x leveraged inverse treasury ETF (symbol TBT) to protect bond holdings in my portfolio as interest rates rise. I have used inverse Nasdaq 100 leveraged ETF (symbol SQQQ) to protect my holdings in technology stocks when the market enters a down trend.
I am writing to express my opposition to regulations being considered by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), that may prevent me from being able to buy leveraged and inverse funds and other popular investments that may be deemed to be too complex for the average investor. I, as an individual, should have the ability to choose what investments are right for me. Public
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest in public investments. I have utilized leverage and reverse funds as a limited part of my overall portfolio to protect (hedge) my investments and returns. I am against the addition of measures being proposed which will limit public investments to just the priviledged. Thank you.
I am absolutely apposed to the limitations on my investment. I should have the right to choose to invest whether in inverse stocks or not, instead of the regulators attempting to create a stronghold and strongarm to force citizens to do what they want.
We are in a free and democratic republic, and I refute the Marxist, communities agenda, and say NO to their attempt to give the rich more leverage
If the regulators feel that many are hurt financially from these funds, then the new regulations make sense and are needed. I appreciate them protecting those who are blinded by greed from themselves.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest
Do not restrict any investors ability to buy leveraged or any other legal fund.
Please let us the investors make decisions to choose the public investments that are right for us and our family.
I believe Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged.
Limiting our choices are against equity and good governance and appreciate not putting artificial barriers to our already highly regulated access to all investments.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest
Investors, "accredited" or not, must have the right to invest as they see fit for themselves. That is a fundamental right of American citizens- it is not a privilege granted by an unelected bureaucratic agency. Regulations such as being considered ultimately hurt the people they are supposedly helping.