First in a series highlighting colleagues working behind the scenes to help FINRA achieve our mission.
Raj Pillai is no stranger to crises. Y2K. 9/11. The Northeast blackout of 2003. Superstorm Sandy. He has worked through them all, the latter at FINRA, which he joined in 2011.
“There are different challenges with each situation. Every time, we’ve gotten better and better in terms of technology
Internal AuditOperationsSystemsTrading*These are suggested departments only. Others may be appropriate for your firm.
As of May 27, 1992, the following 62 issues joined the Nasdaq National Market, bringing the total number of issues to 2,863:
Entry Date
SOES Execution Level
SportsTown, Inc.
Stein Mart, Inc.
This request for exemptive relief is granted based on the contributions made being small in amount, in support of personal relationships, the Firm’s representation that the contributor will be restricted in his municipal securities activities and municipal securities compensation, the individual will be subject to a period of heightened supervision, and the return or reasonable attempt at the return of the contributions.
TO: All NASD Members and Other Interested Persons
On April 30, 1984, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC" or "Commission") published for comment changes to the National Market System (NMS) designation criteria which by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. ("Association" or "NASD") has proposed. If adopted, the effect of the changes
The TRACE Quality of Markets Report Card for Securitized Products is a monthly status report for the reporting of transactions in Asset Backed Securities, Mortgage Backed Securities and other similar securities, collectively defined as "Securitized Products", to the Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE). Firms are required to report trades in accordance with established FINRA
(a) When and How Transactions are ReportedEach member that is a Party to a Transaction in a TRACE-Eligible Security must report the transaction. A member must report a transaction in a TRACE-Eligible Security as soon as practicable, but no later than within one minute of the Time of Execution, except as otherwise specifically provided below. Transactions not reported within the specified
TO: All NASD Members
Enclosed is a proposed new rule under Article III of the NASD Rules of Fair Practice. Proposed Section 39 was approved by the NASD'S Board of Governors and now requires the membership's approval. If approved, it must then be filed with and approved by the Securities and
NASD® has taken disciplinary actions against the following firms and individuals for violations of NASD rules; federal securities laws, rules and regulations; and the rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB).
TO: All NASD Members
Effective November 13, 1984, all securities designated for inclusion in the NASDAQ National Market System will, as of the date of designation, become immediately marginable. This change is the result of recent amendments adopted by the Federal Reserve Board to its credit regulations governing the extension of credit by broker-dealers (Regulation T), banks (Regulation U), and
October 2002
In an effort to assist member firms' compliance efforts, NASD is issuing this regular communication, "Improving Examination Results." This document has two sections: "Examination Priorities" and "Frequently Found Violations," both of which relate to the Department of Member Regulation's routine examinations of firms. While each firm must