SEC Approval and Effective Date for New Consolidated FINRA Rules on the Transfer of Customer Accounts, Recommendations to Customers in OTC Equity Securities and Anti-Intimidation/Coordination
In both 2017 and 2018, FINRA issued Reports on Examination Findings in response to firms’ requests that we make publicly available a summary of key findings from FINRA’s examinations of member firms. Firms use this information, as well as effective practices observed by FINRA at certain firms, to anticipate potential areas of concern and improve their procedures and controls. (We subsequently refer to the two prior years’ documents as the “2017 Report” and the “2018 Report.”)
This Interpretive Material sets forth a membership application process for those firms that must become FINRA members due to amendments to SEA Rule 15b9-1, as adopted by the SEC on August 23, 2023. This membership application process is available only to SEC-registered, non-FINRA member firms that must become FINRA members due to the amendments to SEA Rule 15b9-1 and, as of August 23, 2023, have
(a) After the panel is appointed, the Director will schedule an Initial Prehearing Conference before the panel, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this rule.
(b) The Initial Prehearing Conference will generally be held by telephone. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the Director must notify each party of the time and place of the Initial Prehearing Conference at least 20 days before
(a) After the panel is appointed, the Director will schedule an Initial Prehearing Conference before the panel, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this rule.
(b) The Initial Prehearing Conference will generally be held by telephone. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the Director must notify each party of the time and place of the Initial Prehearing Conference at least 20 days before
(a) The term "Browse" shall mean the function that permits a Participant to review (or query) for trades in the System identifying the Participant as a party to the transaction, subject to the specific uses contained in the System Users Guide.
(b) The term "Clearing Broker-Dealer" or "Clearing Broker" shall mean the member firm that has been
(a) A certificate shall not be a good delivery with an assignment or power of substitution executed by a: (1) person since deceased; (2) trustee or trustees, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this Rule, or except for trustees acting in the capacity of a board of directors of a corporation or association, in which case Rule 11571(a) shall apply; (3) guardian, except as provided in paragraph (
For disputes involving statutory employment discrimination claims, sexual assault claims, and sexual harassment claims, see Rule 13802.
(a) Appointment of Arbitrators in Disputes Between Members
(1) If the panel consists of one arbitrator, the Director will appoint the highest-ranked available arbitrator from the combined non-public chairperson list.
(2) If the panel consists of three
Designed for the high-potential executive, the FINRA Institute at Georgetown program provides compliance, legal and regulatory professionals with an in-depth understanding of the foundation, theory and practical application of securities laws and regulation.