NASD has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend NASD Rule 2710 to reinsert certain existing rule language that was inadvertently omitted from amendments to Rule 2710 that the Commission recently approved.
NASD has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend NASD Interpretative Material 9216 ("IM-9216") (Violations Appropriate for Disposition Under the Plan Pursuant to SEC Rule 19d-1(c)(2)) and Schedule A of the NASD By-laws ("Schedule A") to clarify that a failure to timely file Schedule I, pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 17a-10, is eligible for disposition under NASD’s
NASD has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend Schedule B to the NASD By-Laws to correct the inaccurate descriptions of the territorial boundaries of two NASD District Offices.
NASD has filed with the SEC ") a proposed rule change to amend Interpretive Material 3130 ("IM-3130") to change references to "paragraphs (b)(2) and (c)(2)" of Rules 3030 and 3031 to "paragraphs (c)(2) and (d)(2)" in IM-3130(a), (c), (d), and (e); and change references to "the Association" to "NASD" in IM-3130, thereby conforming the rule
NASD has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend Rule 1120 to require that each member designate and identify to NASD the individual(s) who will receive Web Central Registration Depository ("CRD") continuing education ("CE") Regulatory Element e-mails. The proposed rule change further would require that each member quarterly review and update the CE contact person(s
NASD has filed with the SEC portions of a Notice to Members discussing the application of NASD Rule 2790. NASD is not proposing any textual changes to the Rules of NASD.
NASD has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend Section 4 of Schedule A to the NASD By-Laws by establishing a late fee to be assessed against NASD members that fail timely to report on an initial Form U5, an amendment to a Form U5, or an amendment to a Form U4 a new disclosure event or a change in the status of a previously reported disclosure event.
NASD has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend Section 5 of Schedule A to the NASD By-Laws to clarify that two or more members that are under substantially the same ownership or control (commonly referred to as a "simultaneous filing group" or "SFG") may eliminate certain duplicate fees and assessments and to remind members to provide NASD with prior notice in the
NASD has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend Rule 2130 to correct a typographical error in Rule 2130(c) by changing "Uniform Application for Securities Industry Registration of Transfer" to "Uniform Application for Securities Industry Registration or Transfer."
NASD has filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to adopt new Interpretive Material ("IM") to NASD Rule 2210(d)(2)(N) to allow NASD member firms to use certain investment analysis tools that show the probability that investing in specific securities or mutual funds may produce a desired result.