We shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before we can invest in public securities,including cryptocurrency funds such as BITO.We are capable of understanding cryptocurrency funds such as BITO and their risks. We do not need these measures imposed on us.
We demand freedom of investment
USA is not a communist country where our freedom has to be limited
To All elected officials-
Investing in funds that I believe is in my best interest is very important for me. Please do not tie my hands on my money that I worked very hard for. My investments are my business. This is a free country that I fought for. Lets make sure it stays that way. This needs to be treated like any other stock. All investors know that all stocks are a risk. To make it clear
I, not regulators, should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. I should not have to go through any special process like passing a test before i can invest in certain types of public securities. I subscribe to financial publications that provide expert investment advice. I don't need federal regulators telling me how and in what I can invest. I
I am an experienced high net worth investor who utilizes an inverse leveraged long term bond fund as a small portion of my portfolio to offset losses with some gains as interest rates rise. The benefits of this diversification strategy are just now being observed as interest rates are rising. I know what I am doing, not speculating nor trading frequently. Do not take this form of diversification
Leveraged funds should be allowed to continue. Allow for free market trade. Do not make this something only specialized traders can access. I do support education (not tedious, but useful teaching) before being allowed to trade these leveraged funds. Lastly, how do you stop allowing trading of these funds without financially harming those of us who hold what should be easily traded positions? Let
It stupid
It are money we are adults we can do anything with are money's
The person who knows best what & where to invest their own money is the individual invester, in other words, me!!!
It's not up to the government to "protect" me from myself. The government's job is to stay out of my way. Get involved only if/when I ask or if I get ripped off.
The way I'm understanding this law is so it can always benifet the bigger people that hold high positions. Let us the little people and middle class people have the same rights as you the rich people. We should all be able to invest in anything we want as long as we know we can always loose and to make sure we don't over invest and then loose more money or houses. But our
I am an experienced high net worth investor who utilizes an inverse leveraged long term bond fund as a small portion of my portfolio to offset losses with some gains as interest rates rise. The benefits of this diversification strategy are just now being observed as interest rates are rising. I know what I am doing, not speculating nor trading frequently. Do not take this form of diversification