At 64 years of age, holding 7 professional certifications & having experience in industrial, education, medical, law, & CPA/Financial Planning fields, I feel I am more than qualified to control & invest my retirement funds as I see fit! I DON'T need FIRA to "save" me from myself! The option to invest in PUBLICLY traded funds should
My ability to study market trends and use a small portion of my retirement account to invest in an inverse leveraged fund, has been a wonderful tool for me. It has allowed me to make postive gains while my regular 401k has dropped in value. I want my rights as a small investor to be honored, and not infringed upon. This should NOT be an investment vehicle for the rich and powerful only, but for
You're making a big mistake not allowing everyone to invest where they want! Let everyone invest in the funds they want to invest in!
I am a retail investor and have enjoyed (carefully) investing in inverse and leveraged funds.
I understand the concern and desire to protect individuals, but to gatekeep these investments isn't helpful -- it's controlling.
I need approval from my broker to do things like short-sell because I could owe more than I invest, and that makes sense. But inverse and leveraged
Stop regulating and thinking of more ways to tax middle class investments
I want to maintain my current freedom to invest in public securities of my choosing.
I want the government (regulators, or whatever you choose to call them) OUT OF MY BUSINESS!!
Please don't change the cryptocurrency rules.. you already tax it.. thank you
From my understanding this is still a FREE country. The government doesn't have any right to tell me of what I can invest in and what I cannot invest in so long as it is legal and I have the money to be able to invest. This regulation should not be allowed to stand.!!!
I want to maintain my current freedom to invest in public security of my choosing.