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Betsy Carpenter Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Betsy Carpenter

At 64 years of age, holding 7 professional certifications & having experience in industrial, education, medical, law, & CPA/Financial Planning fields, I feel I am more than qualified to control & invest my retirement funds as I see fit! I DON'T need FIRA to "save" me from myself! The option to invest in PUBLICLY traded funds should be just that - an option for the general PUBLIC, not just the wealthy. This is DISCRIMINATION at the highest level. SQQQ has been an invaluable portion of my retirement that I am counting on going forward. For those of us who have saved & invested over a lifetime for a secure retirement, we should not lose this option while the more wealthy & powerful retain their option. I expect my rights as a small investor to be upheld, otherwise, perhaps a class action lawsuit is in order.