Sec. 8.9 A FINRA member that is headquartered in the district shall be eligible to cast one vote through the FINRA member's Executive Representative for each position to be filled in the election representing that district on the Regional Committee. For purposes of this provision, a FINRA member is headquartered where it designates its main address on the member's Form BD
Sec. 8.8 (a) An individual who meets the qualification requirements of Section 8.2(a) wishing to be considered for election to the Regional Committee shall deliver a written Notice to the Secretary of FINRA Regulation within 30 calendar days after the Secretary of FINRA Regulation gives the Notice of the upcoming elections pursuant to Section 8.7. The Secretary of FINRA Regulation shall
Sec. 8.7 The Secretary of FINRA Regulation shall give a Notice of the upcoming election to FINRA members and the Executive Representatives of FINRA members describing the election procedures and stating that FINRA members may submit names of Regional Committee member candidates for consideration to the Secretary of FINRA Regulation.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2018-021 eff. May 18,
Sec. 8.6 Funds to meet the regular expenses of each Regional Committee shall be provided by the Board, and all such expenses shall be subject to the approval of the Board.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2018-021 eff. May 18, 2018.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2011-011 eff. April 28, 2011.
Amended by SR-NASD-97-71 eff. Jan. 15, 1998.
Sec. 8.7 The Chairs of the District Committees, elected pursuant to Section 8.6, together with the Chair of the Market Regulation Committee shall constitute an Advisory Council to the Board.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2009-020 eff. Aug. 20, 2009.
Amended by SR-NASD-2003-55 eff. Feb. 1, 2004.
Amended by SR-NASD-97-71 eff. Jan. 15, 1998.Selected Notice: 09-39.
Sec. 8.5 Meetings of a Regional Committee shall be held in its region, as identified in Schedule A to these By-Laws, at such times and places, upon such notice, and in accordance with such procedures as the Chief Executive Officer or his or her designee in his or her discretion may determine. A quorum of a Regional Committee shall consist of a majority of its members, and any action
Sec. 8.4 In the event of a vacancy on a Regional Committee prior to the expiration of the Regional Committee member's term of office, and where the Chief Executive Officer or his or her designee determines, pursuant to Section 8.2(d), that such vacancy should be filled, or in the event of a newly created membership on a Regional Committee by virtue of an increase in the authorized
Sec. 8.3 Each regularly elected member of a Regional Committee shall hold office for a "full term" which is the later of three years or until a successor is elected and qualified. Notwithstanding the term of office for a regularly elected Regional Committee member, such member's term shall terminate sooner upon the member's death, resignation, or removal. There is no
Sec. 8.2 (a) A district within its respective region, as established under Section 8.1, shall elect no fewer than six Regional Committee members to serve on the Regional Committee for its respective region, unless otherwise provided by resolution of the Board. A Regional Committee shall consist of no fewer than five and no more than 20 members, unless otherwise provided by resolution of
Sec. 8.1 The Board shall establish boundaries for districts within the United States to assist FINRA Regulation in administering its affairs in a manner that is consistent with applicable law, the Restated Certificate of Incorporation, these By-Laws, the Delegation Plan, and the Rules of the Corporation. The Board may organize the districts into regions to promote efficiency and sound