/01 Reserved.
Information to be Disclosed
Statements of accounts to customers must clearly and prominently disclose on the front of the statement:
1. the identity of the introducing and carrying organization and their respective phone numbers for service1;
2. that the carrying organization is a member of SIPC;
3. the opening and closing balances for the account.
Use of Third Party Agents
Prior to utilizing a "third party agent" to prepare and/or transmit statements of accounts to customers, a member organization shall represent/undertake in writing to the Exchange that:
1. The third party is acting as agent for the member organization;
2. the member organization retains responsibility for compliance with Rule 409(a);
3. the member organization has developed procedures/controls for reviewing and testing the accuracy of statements of accounts prepared and/or transmitted by the third party agent;
4. the member organization will retain copies of statements of accounts prepared and/or transmitted by the third party agent in accordance with applicable books and records requirements.
Allocation of responsibilities for preparation and/or transmissions of statements to any person other than a carrying organization pursuant to an agreement approved by the Exchange in accordance with Rule 382 (Carrying Agreements) shall be deemed to be utilization of a "third party agent."
An introducing organization that is a provider of services included in a member organization's statements of accounts may not function as a "third party agent" and may not itself prepare and/or transmit such statements.
/04 Assets Externally Held and Included on Statements Solely as a Service to Customers
Where a statement of account includes assets as to which the member organization does not have fiduciary responsibility, does not have access to and which are not included on the member organization's books and records, such assets must be clearly and distinguishably separated on the statement. It must be clearly indicated on the statement that such externally held assets: are included on the statement solely as a courtesy to the customer, information (including valuation) is derived from the customer or other external source for which the member organization is not responsible, and are not covered by SIPC.
/05 Use of Logos, Trademarks, etc.
Where the logo, trademark or other similar identification of a person (other than the carrying or introducing organization) appears on a customer account statement, the identity of such person(s) and the relationship to the introducing, carrying or other organization included on the statement must be provided and may not be utilized in a manner which is misleading or causes customer confusion.
Use of Summary Statements
Where a member organization carrying a customer's account and another person(s) who separately offers financial related products/services to the same customer (e.g. mutual fund sales/custodial services, banking products/services, insurance products/services, securities products/services, etc.) seek to jointly formulate and/or distribute their respective customer account statements together with a statement summarizing or combing assets held in different accounts ("summary statement"), the Exchange will require:
1. That the summary statement:
a. indicate that the "summary statement" is provided for informational purposes and includes assets held at different entities;
b. identify each entity from which information is provided or assets being held are included, their relationship with each other (e.g., parent, subsidiary or affiliated organization), and their respective functions (introducing/carrying brokerage firms, fund distributor, banking/insurance product providers, etc.);
c. clearly distinguish between assets held by each entity by use of columns, coloring or other distinct form of demarcation;
d. identify the customer's account number at each entity2;
e. provide a telephone number for customer service at each entity2
f. disclose which entity carries each of the different assets or categories of assets included on the summary;
g. identify each entity that is a member of SIPC.3
2. To the extent that the summary statement aggregates the values of the various accounts summarized or portions thereof, such aggregation shall be recognizable as having been arithmetically derived from the separately stated totals or their components.
3. That the beginning and end of each separate statement (e.g., summary, brokerage, mutual fund, banking, insurance, etc.) be clearly distinguishable by color, pagination or other distinct form of demarcation.
4. That there be a written agreement between the carrying organization and each other person jointly formulating and/or distributing its respective customer account statements attesting that each such person has developed procedures/controls for reviewing and testing the accuracy of the information included on its respective statements.
5. That the summary statement shall comply with Rule 409 and all interpretations thereof.