Dear Sir/Madam: I am an active investor and trade in global capital markets. In my view leveraged and inverse mutual funds and ETFs are extremely important investment vehicles available to investors today. Such ETFs that provide leveraged and inverse exposure to various markets give prudent investors the ability to hedge risk in their portfolios and potentially achieve better results. So FINRA
What the point of the security and exchange commission. If all they are going to do is keep the people. They swore to protect broke and in debt. Why are there no regulations to keep us safe? It seem like the government is just helping them self it didnt stop there 20% raise this year.
I am an individual invester. Been investing since the late 1990s with my 401(k) and now my pension IRA and IRA that was my pension. It is and should remain MY choice as to where I put my money to work.
Dear Sirs;
Im beside myself over the thought that regulators would want to prevent me or anyone from investing as I see fit for myself and my family. I should be able to invest as I see fit. Public investments should be freely available to all without restrictions and not only for the privileged.
No one should have to go through any special process, such as passing an exam before you can invest
Please do not regulate investments. I do not want my ability to invest inhibited by anyone. I want to be free to perdue a comfortable retirement and not be dependant on the government or my children
Inverse funds allow retail traders / investors a simple method to hedge portfolios against market declines as opposed to complex option strategies or costly and high risk futures positions. Leveraged funds provide a similar opportunity to participate is market trends without the complex and time constrained options or futures programs.
I am able to make my own investment decisions. I do not require the federal government and certainly not unelected folk to try to "protect" me from funds that I use to offset the risks of other investments. The effect of the proposed regulations is such that it will make it much more difficult for me to protect myself and it will make such funds only available to the
I oppose any restrictions on my right to invest. Investments shouldn't be available only to the privileged few.
i should ba able to choose my investments on my own.ishould not have to go through a special test process investing in bito is important to achieve my own objectivesjohn van dam
I am Retired, and manage my IRA myself. I listen carefully to a variety of Investors using TV and Internet sources. I frequently utilize ProShare Leveraged and Inverse Funds in this endeavor. I am fully-aware of the Risks of using these vehicles Long Term. I use them for Short Term Opportunities. I would like to use these Funds well into my Future Retirement Years.