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Tomas Fernandez Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Tomas Fernandez

Dear Sirs;

Im beside myself over the thought that regulators would want to prevent me or anyone from investing as I see fit for myself and my family. I should be able to invest as I see fit. Public investments should be freely available to all without restrictions and not only for the privileged.

No one should have to go through any special process, such as passing an exam before you can invest in public securities. I am completely capable of understanding investments and their related risks. I DO NOT need any of these these types of measures and restrictions imposed upon me.

I urge you to save this ability to invest freely without restrictions and preserve this freedom and preserve this portion of the American Dream. The privileged are not affected much by this type of regulation, they have investment firms handling their money and will always have the ability to freely buy, sell and trade in public securities. The average US citizen will make his or her investments on their own and its just not right to make us jump through hoops to benefit from investments that are part of the privileged portfolios. I urge you to stop this and allow the average Citizen to continue the ease of the ability to help improve their economic standing.