Have all transactions reported within 24 hours.
I know WTH I'm doing. Unnecessary regulation. I do not want my investment opportunities restricted. I limit 3x ETFs to money I can affort to ride through volatile market periods. Might be a good idea for shortsellers/day traders but not for general long- to medium-term investment.
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments.
Fails to deliver and short positions should be reported in 24 hours. There is no reason to allow T+2 and T+35 days for reporting.
Transparency just makes the market more fair for all parties. Its obviously needed.
The reporting should be on a day to day basis. Theres no reason this blatant fraud should be continued. We have the technology to do so and yet, the can is continually kicked down the road. Retail are tired of being screwed over. This is far from a "fair market" and the SEC is failing to do their job of protecting us. Hedge funds and MM continue to manipulate the markets, receiving but
Orders need to be recorded daily to help prevent the fraud going on in the market currently.
Any delays in settlement provides a wide open door for manipulation & that is exactly what we see now. Rules do not matter when there is No Enforcement!
FINRA is publishing its quarterly OTC Equities High Price Dissemination List for the first quarter of 2022. This updated list of OTC equity securities eligible for trade report dissemination for trades of fewer than 100 shares is effective as of July 1, 2022. To view changes, visit the Daily List: Security Attribute Changes page, select the “Unit of Trades” filter and enter June 30, 2022 as the “
Please allow general investors to invest in leveraged and inverse ETFs like ProShares. I am a average retail investor who appreciates the level playing field that ProShares provides