Please do not implement the draconian rules on leveraged investments....
I, and only I should be able to choose which investments are right for me. I should not have to go through any special process to invest in leveraged or inverse ETF's. There is no more risk to these investments than multitudes of individual stocks, which I have witnessed in real time over many years. I have built my entire investing strategy and process around these funds. Please do not
This new purposed Rule is very concerning and cause's more harm than good, It is not the job of Regulator's to decide what individuals can purchase.The autonomy of what an individual buys with their own money, that should be in there hands, only their Hands. allowing individual investors to utilize these tool, provides access to more affordable professional strategy's! THIS IS OVER
The do not restrict my right to invest in inverse or leveraged funds.
An individual investor making their own decisions is not the same as reckless wall street fund managers shorting with money they dont have. How dare the SEC come after retail traders when the clear issue is the wall street crooks. I trade for proprietary firms and i know what I am doing. It is apalling the Federal reserve is not being investigated and politicians are not being investigated,
we investors should be given the rights of choosing whether or not to buy leveraged funds
I object to your proposed regulation on leveraged and inverse funds. In todays market, in my judgement, the probability of market decreasing is likely, so I use inverse funds to mitigate this risk. I should not be required to special qualifying to invest as my judgement dictates.
Dear Sirs: I oppose any restrictions on my ability to invest in public investments. I should be able to choose whatever public investments are right for me and my family. Leveraged and inverse funds should be treated no differently than other investments and should require no written test or minimum income level as a prerequisite to investing in them. I use these investments to enhance my returns
I believe in the public's ability to research and invest and not be hindered by yet more regulation and restrictions. The individual is slowly being pushed out of the ability to make investment decisions. Many financial advisors are mandated to create a client risk profile and that results in the individual having very little room to make adjustments. Allowing ever-larger advisor groups to