Please don't pass government regulations, regarding control of personal investment accounts.
I have invested and traded in stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, put and call options, leveraged and inverse securities, futures, gold and silver for 61 years. The US markets have grown and prospered because of innovation. When a market fails to meet the needs of participants, that market goes away on it's own.
The huge volume of shares traded in some leveraged securities is substantial
Each individual should be allowed to invest
Please stay out of our investing and how we soend our Money! It is not yours and YOU DID NOT EARN IT! PEOPLE WILL BECOME VERY ANGRY!
please allow me and other investors the freedom to access a broad range of of investments products that will help us secure a future
With all the frauds and blind greed out there, I support FINRA's new common sense rules! They are not really that onerous, seriously.
Apropos to FINRA for doing their job!!!
This is my second letter to you. We dont need more government regulation on investing. I am a small investor with an IRA. I have a small amount to invest outside of the IRA. However I choose not to invest that money because capital gains tax would eat up any profit. If you want to help the small investor then give us a $10,000 exemption for short and long term capital gains tax in each tax year.
Comments:I am a responsible user of leveraged financial products and would like to continue to do so. The Companies whose products I use are very thorough in explaining the Risk.
The responsibility for researching the investments that are right for any investor fall solely on that investor. While larger organisations and managed portfolio funds have extensive risk-management and analysis algorithms at their disposal, a self-directed individual investor has only the resources they choose to rely on. This is their choice to use as much or as little research as they deem
Government stay OUT of Peoples finances and investments! We believe in the Constitution of the united states of America