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Renee Renfer Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Renee Renfer

I don't think it is right for Regulators to take control of how the public wants to invest in the future of their families, your trying to make the rich get richer once again, middle class people don't have a chance again, when a good thing comes along that's when regulators want to take over, where were you when crypto was just getting started, you didn't believe in it but now that you see its going to make a big difference to the world economy you want in. I don't have to take a test for any other stocks I own so why should I have to take one for crypto? I plan on paying my house off with crypto in the future when businesses finally get on board with crypto, like so many others are already. I don't appreciate someone telling me when and how much I could buy a stock for. I oppose limitations on my investments.